Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yay for Fall!!

I am LOVING this cooler weather! Don't really have all that much to share, obviously...that is why I haven't posted in a few days! Or has it been a couple of weeks?? Who knows....pretty much been the same old! We had a pretty relaxing weekend last weekend, got a lot done around the house. We did run a 5k Saturday morning and neither of us were very prepared for it, but we didn't have the worst time we have ever had, so I was satisfied. We joined a gym this week! We have been twice already and really enjoyed it. We will see how the progress goes. I have much confidence in us!! See, I told you I was boring!! Here is one cute pic of my little buddy sitting on the back of the couch. I think it is so funny how he sits!! sorry for the bad quality, most of my pictures come from Tyler's phone because his is so much better than mine. There is a new phone in my very short future! His little Frito feet hanging off either side! Has anyone else ever noticed that dogs feet smell like Fritos??? Maybe it is just me...whatever, I know I am weird. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

It's football time!!

Tyler and I are pretty excited about football season this year since we missed the majority of it last Fall. So, we decided to drag the TV out onto the porch and "tailgate" all day! We had some friends over and grilled burgers and enjoyed the weather. Here is our set-up for the day... Please note the dresser....this is one that I am in the process of refinishing (I started on Sunday) and I forgot to take a "before" pic, so this will have to do. But it worked great for holding the tv! And here is one of Tyler's new MS State signs. It is super heavy, so I am kind of scared about it falling out of the wall inside, but I thought this was the PERFECT place for gameday! Too bad all that support didn't help the Bulldogs against Auburn. Little Weez was worn out from all the cheering! With all of the 9/11 coverage, Tyler decided we were not patriotic enough around our house and went out Saturday morning and got a flag. I think it looks pretty good. :) I was such an emotional wreck yesterday. I literally cried every time the channel was changed to something about 9/11. Early in the day, I decided I didn't want to sit around and watch it all day because it just made me too sad. But, last night we watched the documentary of the firefighters from Ladder 1 and it was SO good. I was really glad I did...but it was super sad. And Happy Birthday to my Mother-in-Law! Hope it's the best one yet!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wedding Cake

I decided to get out our wedding cake last night to finally cut into it for our one year anniversary! Honestly, it was more to free up the space in our freezer than anything. :) My poor sister has actually had it in HER freezer up until about 3 weeks ago. What a good big sis, letting my wedding cake take up so much room! It looked a little pitiful when I pulled it out of the box without all the flowers!! And I only took one bite, which was one more than Tyler took. He opted to eat the 2 week old birthday cake that was still in the fridge. What can I say, we aren't very sentimental! Either way, here are a couple of pictures of the cake! Is anyone else LOVING this weather??? I heard on the news yesterday that Atlanta may be looking at some 90 degree days next week and I almost cried!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!

Yesterday was our one year anniversary...a whole year! So, we decided a few months ago to celebrate by taking a trip down to FL and enjoying the area where we got married. I was OH SO excited to go up until about 2 days before when a "tropical depression" started to make an appearance. Then I was nothing but bummed...Tyler had such a better attitude about it saying "It will still be good to get away for a few days" Um, would be good to lie on the beach for a few days, I can watch movies in the rain at home in Atlanta. But we went and it was fun, we really did have a good time considering the weather which kept us indoors most of the weekend. Here are some pictures of the weekend! Sprocket's newest thing is to ride on the console, so here he is helping Tyler with the directions. (notice all that sun???) Kiss for daddy...good job drivin! And I just love this look... All that navigating really wore him out, so he had to retire to the backseat for a nap. Please excuse the way the condo looks, we kind of threw things around. :) We got there after hours on Friday and had to get our keys out of a lock box. Well, when we got to our condo, it was pretty funk, so as soon as the office opened the next morning we went over and requested to be moved. Apparently the building had some serious water damage and it smelled like mildew and I just couldn't have that! I knew we would be spending a lot of time in there over the weekend and wanted to move. The people at ResortQuest were great about it! We bought some new beach chairs from Costco and Tyler was really wanting to try it out. :) So he got it out of the car and tested it while watching a movie. Saturday afternoon on one of our between storm walks, we found a little coffee shop that opened early and had wi-fi and allowed dogs! So we decided we would spend some time in there Sunday morning. It was perfect, we loaded the pups up and grabbed our computers and spent a few hours just hanging out. Felt like we were back in Germany all over again. They were pretty calm until the owners brought their two Maltese pups in, and then S and W didn't want anything to do with them! Keeping an eye on the weather, at this point they were saying there were tornados all around us. Hanging with my bud. rain, rain, rain On Sunday afternoon, the sun did barely peak it's head out, so we loaded up the car and hauled butt to the beach. We knew it wasn't going to be a relaxing, getting some sun type visit, but maybe we could at least spend a few minutes out there! And the puppies LOVED it. They really do love to play in the sand and had a blast throwing the ball. Plus, with the wind blowing the way it was, Tyler was able to throw it really far! But we only brought one, so they would both chase it and then both run all the way back with it in their mouths. It was so funny looking, like a double headed monster!! Some ladies from Atlanta that were down on the beach (And really drunk...not much else to do in a tropical storm I guess) told us we should submit them to America's Funniest Home Videos. And of course Sprocket had to roll in the sand, just to make sure he was totally covered! All in all it was a great weekend! It is always nice to have a couple of days off work just to hang out! We are on the go so much, we are looking forward to three weekends in a row in Atlanta! woo hoo! Happy Anniversary Tyler!! If the first year of marriage is the hardest, we got this! Love you!