Friday, October 29, 2010

Welcome Weekend!!

We don't really have much planned for the weekend, but I always look forward to them because that means Tyler is off work and able to spend the days with me. Even if it is just laying around the apartment watching TV!! Tomorrow night we are planning to go to Nuremberg to have dinner at a new restaurant that someone at Tyler's work suggested, I will have to fill you in on how that goes! And Monday is a holiday, so he will have that off too! And last night we finally saw the face of the little creatures we see out at night when walking the dogs! We have decided that they are hedgehogs. Tyler spotted it in the pitch black and I ran back to the house to get a flashlight so we could check it out. Tonight I am going to take my camera and see if I can get a picture of one of the little guys! So, I FINALLY wanted to share the rest of the pictures from our apartment here! Can you see a theme with the colors?? Our entertainment center, with a special Happy Birthday banner on it! Entry way where we hang/throw all of our coats and scarves when we come in the apartment. Kitchen...I actually don't mind this kitchen. I get tired of cleaning it, but other than that, I kind of like it. The oven is actually a drawer that pulls out. It is fine for us, but wouldn't be good if you were trying to do much baking because you can't fit much in there. And the living room! I actually really really hate that table in front of the couch. The little levels never stay in one place and they are always in the way. And always really dirty. And in the top picture you can see the light fixture. It is the devil. I actually stood up underneath it one day and hit my head so hard directly on one of those points that it hurt to wash my hair for days. Other than those complaints (OH!! And I hate the rugs, they shead worse than my dogs) it isn't that bad of a place! Quite cozy actually. We got our first dog complaint a few days ago. It was while my mom and I went to Nuremberg and the puppies were locked up all day. Apparently they barked from the time we left until the time Tyler arrived home from work. So, two older women who didn't speak a word of English came to let Tyler know they were not happy about it. Since he couldn't understand what they were saying, he ended up just closing the door. Only a few more weeks, they will just have to deal...we have permission to have them there! I think we have reached a point where we are really missing things about home. I actually had a dream about Chic-fil-a last night. I am also really missing dry cleaners! Not that we don't have them here, but they are really expensive, so we wash Tyler's work shirts at home and I iron them all. I realized today how much I hate ironing dress shirts. Well, I will leave you with a few pics of the pups!! :) Sprocket loves it when I leave the patio door open so he can lay in the sun. It is rare these days because it has gotten so much cooler.

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