Thursday, July 15, 2010


Don't be scared to leave me comments!! It makes me feel like people are really reading what I am writing! I know my mom is because she will email me about it. So, even if no one else is, I will still write it for her!! And obviously I didn't have much luck with Tyler posting. When he gets off in the afternoon, he has been having to send emails back to the law firm because he didn't have internet access here during the day at work. AND...he had a busted computer from the law firm that would go out constantly. So, now he has internet at work and they are shipping him a new laptop. Maybe he won't spend 2 hours everyday after a work day following up. :)


  1. I'm reading, I'm reading! I also gave Terri BB your blog site so she can post since I am swamped with open enrollment madness! I am incredibly jealous and you need to be learning other languages on your downtime without tv. I expect you to know three languages when you come home:)

  2. And this took me TEN MINUTES just to figure out how to post! You know I am computer illiterate without Conrad:)

  3. Yay!! I am glad she will be able to keep up with me now. :)
