Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guess what I am doing today!!??

Wearing jeans!!! I have not worn jeans since I got here because it has been too hot! I have basically been washing the same two pairs of shorts (the only 2 I own) and a couple of dresses. We had some storms come through last night and it feels GREAT today! I even walked to the city center from our apartment (about a 15 minute walk) and didn't break a sweat! I walked around some shops once I got here and now I am just sitting, having my internet time waiting for Tyler to get off work. We went back to the same Thai restaurant we went to the first night I was here last night. We both decided we were sick of pizza and noodles. We had the same waitress and she remembered us. Tyler asked if it was because we asked for an English menu and she said "No, we have loads of people asking for those!!". So that made us feel better. I have about 10 red bug bites on my feet. No idea when I got them. I am wondering if it wasn't at the beir garden Tuesday night. They don't itch me too bad, they are just extremly ugly. I feel like I am so boring the last couple of days!! It was all so exciting when I first got here. And it still is exciting and I am still learning so much, but we have definitely fallen into a routine. As I am sitting here, I am watching people come in and out of the mall with their dogs...that is so exciting to me that Sprocket and Wembley can shop with me!! Not sure that I will ever actually take them to the mall because they would probably wrap around someone's feet and we would have a lawsuit on our hands! I just had a random dude sit at my table with me and drink his coffee. :) When I say table, I mean a tiny little circle table at Starbucks, in the chair right next to me. He didn't bother me though, so I didn't mind. OH!! And I got offered a job last night! I guess since students are going home for break, a lot of places seem to be hiring. Once I told the girl that A.) I don't have a work Visa and B.) I speak zero German so it might be difficult, she agreed with me. I haven't taken any more pictures since we went to Nuremberg last weekend. I do still have some more to post from our trip there though. Hopefully I will have more exciting news to share later!

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