Thursday, July 8, 2010

The latest...

Oh the past 2 days I have had!! I am not even sure that I really know what day it is! Yesterday, I left the apartment to meet Tyler for lunch. I took the bus by myself...which isn't hard, it is only 3 stops but everything seems slightly more difficult when you can't read anything. Since I have a bus pass I can get off and on as I please, I just have to be careful about where I am going. I have gone back and forth the same way, so I am doing good. I was supposed to meet Tyler at the Arcade between 12 and 12:15. Since I haven't had my phone on much, I was just relying on his last email that was still our plan. When I got off the bus at the Arcade and was standing off to the side waiting on him, I had my first "I am in a foreign country and I cannot speak the language and everything is weird" freak-out. I think it started with the kid walking by me eating a sandwich with a fish in it...the WHOLE fish! If you know me very well, you know how I feel about fish and that literally almost made me hurl. Then some woman came up and asked me where the toilets! I don't know! Finally Tyler got there and said something came up at work at the last minute, but he was only about 10 mintes later than we planned. We had lunch at a little restaurant, that didn't have an English menu, but the waitress translated for us...not the best meal. She was having difficulty with some of the words, so it was interesting what we got. Tyler order some kind of lemon spaghetti and it was noodles and sauce, that is it. Just different than we are used to. I had a spinach lasagna, all noodle and didn't taste horrible, just not my fav. The chef actually came out and asked me if there was something wrong with it because I didn't eat very much. Yea, I was embarassed. After lunch, Tyler headed back to work and I went to try and find my way back to the apartment walking. It was very easy and a nice walk...there is a path that leads most of the way, so I wasn't walking on the street. Then I came across my next adventure....the grocery store!! OMG, that is hard! First of all, you have to pay a Euro to use the carts. Apparently when you hook it back up, you get the Euro back, but I didn't realize that and just left the next customer a Euro. :) I just kind of walked around dazed...didn't buy too much because I couldn't understand what much was. I did get some Pringles and realized when I got home that the flavor is Paprika, not Cheddar. I had success with pretzel sticks, those I like. Might have quite a few of them while I am here! Tyler got home from work and we headed out to go watch the World Cup. Siemens (Reagan and Leslie quit giggling) has a park here in town and they set up big screens and lights and bars, etc. for their employees to go and watch the game. We had to wait outside for someone to come get us though because Tyler doesn't have a ID badge. Before the game, we had dinner at a Beirgarten...I had french fries. :) Germany lost, so that was a little disappointing, but still fun to see everyone so excited. There were 2 girls there cheering for Spain and Tyler and I decided if it was the USA playing, we wouldn't have the guts to sport the flag and stand up and scream like those girls. At one point an announcement was made over the loud speaker and everyone in the place laughed, except me and Tyler. And the we laughed because we had NO clue what was just said. I only have a couple of pics from Tyler's phone because I thought he got the camera and he thought I got the camera. :) I have always heard people say this, but I just never understood really do have a new appreciation for people who are travling in the US when you leave the country for a while. I cannot explain how difficult this is! I know I have only been here a few days and I will get more comfortable, but it is tiring being confused all the time. The weather is great, warm during the day and a little cool at night. We had a little issue with out internet access, but we got that straightened out today. Oh, and their is a playground directly under our bedroom window and a woman who likes to take her kids to play on it about 7:15am. Awesome. I am going to go out walking tomorrow with my camera and try and take some pics. The smallest things are such and accomplishment to us! We seriously cannot figure out how to use the washing machine or how to throw away our trash! You have to seperate the trash and we can't read the bins, so that is something we have to work on. I still haven't finished unpacking to take any pictures of the aparement, I promise I will!


  1. I love it that you are doing this!! It is great getting to here all about your adventures.

  2. How did you know I was giggling? Sorry I missed the skyping party last night, I am all set up now and ready to go though. Of course, when I get home from work you will be in bed :( Time change sucks!
    I miss you and I wish I was there to be confused with you!
