Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Made it to the aiport!

Which is a huge accomplishment! My cab driver didn't even speak English. :) But he got me here and that is all I care about! I checked in behind some US Military people. They have obviously been stationed over here and they are headed home, they had TONS of bags. One of the girls that came along with them chatted with me a little...I think she must have seen me holding my US Passport. She has been to Dubai before and said she really loved the Hard Rock Cafe. :) My boarding pass for my flight from Amsterdam to Dubai didn't print out when I checked in at the computer, so that freaked me out a little. When I got to the counter, the guy informed me that they over booked my class. He said it wouldn't be any problem and that when I get to Amsterdam they will probably just upgrade me to first class. Let's hope so! I will be really bummed if I am stuck in Amsterdam. He did give me a map of where my current flight will be arriving and where I have to go is about a 20 minute walk :) but I have a lot of time between flights, so I should be ok. As I was going through security, there was a lady behind me with an Ole Miss 2010 Cotton Bowl champions shirt...I screamed GO STATE at her. Not really, but we did talk. She was really nice and said she has to wear the shirt because Ole Miss is just happy to be winning any games. 2 conversations in English in 30 minutes was huge!! Now I am sitting at my gate waiting...I was here about 3 hours early. We weren't 100% sure the cab driver would show up, so we scheduled it early enough that if he didn't, I could still get on the bus and get to the city center to get another one. But he did and he was early. So, here I sit. Next to the smoking box. It isn't even a room, just a tiny box that everyone keeps going in and out of to smoke. nice... At least there are finally other people showing up, I was the only one sitting in this area for a long time! Fingers crossed I get on that flight to Dubai!!


  1. Enjoy every minute of this experience!! I would have LOVED to have this opportunity at your age. Trynew things: new foods, new styles, new drinks, new languages. And I know you already do this, but - take LOTS of pictures!! Those and this blog will be priceless reminders of this adventure for you and Tyler. Love you lots!

  2. Are you there yet??

  3. So happy for you that you are there and having so much fun!! Keep your posts coming! We love to read them. Have fun in Dubai!!
