Sunday, July 18, 2010

He made it!!

Such a relief to me. I didn't do a very good job of checking out his travel itinerary before he left, so I wasn't exactly sure what time he was supposed to get to Saudi. So, of course, about 8:30pm when I haven't heard anything, I go to try and open it and nothing will open. So, I started to freak out a little bit! My internet is so spotty in the apartment anyway, sometimes it can take me 45 minutes to get a signal, so I was already getting frustrated. But, I turned on my phone and text him and told him to let me know when he got there...and not too much longer, he text me back and said they were at the airport waiting for their bags. So happy! Today has been interesting for me...I got up when Tyler did this morning and after he left, I layed back down on the couch to watch TV (aka Entourage Season 1 on my computer since we still only have German TV). I did attempt to watch Jessica Simpson's new show on MTV today, but the voice-overs were making me mad! I could never understand the end of her sentences because they started translating! I went out walking for about an hour and a half. I decided to walk more towards the university since we haven't really been over that way. I didn't get too far onto campus because I didn't realize just how far it was and by the time I got over in that direction I decided I better start heading back towards the apartment!! BUT...I did find the university pool and it is AWESOME! Like a miniture water park. I so wish I would have known about it last week! Depending on how brave I get and how hot it gets in the next 2 days, I may try and go back. It is quite a hike over there, but it might be worth it to jump in a pool! I also cleaned our tub (finally bought cleaning supplies yesterday! We couldn't read any of them, but I bought the one with Mr. Clean on it...and on the back there was a little pic of a sink, a tub and a toilet, so I assumed bathroom cleaner) and took a bath. That was nice, but since it is still a little hot here in the middle of the day, I was sweating and had to get out. THEN...I did my chemical peel that I spent way too much money on at Sephora. I am glad to report, it did not actually burn my skin off. It says for best results, do 3 days in a row and since I have some free time over the next few days, I am going to see what kind of results I get! I swore to myself that while Tyler was gone I was going to get this apartment clean enough to take pictures to post, but I feel like I am just making more of a mess! The problem isn't as much that it is dirty all the time, it is just rare that the clothes hanging rack and ironing board aren't in the middle of the room. Speaking of laundry...have I talked about that yet?? It takes me about 3 hours to do the smallest load of laundry you have ever seen! I am thankful to have somewhere to do it and not have to go to a laundry mat...but! We have one of those washer and dryer combos and it sucks. To wash on hot water, it takes like 142 minutes and to dry, I think it takes 154 or something like that. (that is longer than 3 hours, huh??) And you can only dry half of the load you washed. so, we hang a lot up, but then everything is really stiff so I have been ironing t-shirts and boxer shorts to try and make them a little softer. :) I still have a lot of things I want to do before I leave for Dubai. I have a feeling I am going to put them all off thinking "I will save that incase I get bored" and then they won't get done. Nothing that can't wait though!! Just things I have actually been putting off to do when Tyler left! I am chatting with him now...he says Saudi is much more American than where we are now. He was also pretty excited that Siemens accidently booked him business class. He said it is the way to go!! I will update more on that later. :) I am going to post some pictures tomorrow...I know those are more fun than my rambling!!

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