Saturday, July 17, 2010

I can't figure out this weather!!

It rained last night, so it was slightly cooler today...still very warm in the sun and in stores with no air. But clouds came through about 3 this afternoon as we were sitting outside at a coffee shop. Now, we are freezing! Tyler actually just left and took the bus home to get some warmer clothes! I cannot believe the drop in temperature in such a short amount of time. Funny too because we have been shopping this morning to buy clothes to wear in the desert! Not much, I just needed some longer shorts because although the ones I have aren't super short, I figured it would be best not to wear them in Dubai. We also bought some cleaning supplies so I can do some cleaning after Tyler leaves...exciting, right!! It will give me something to do while he is gone. I have mentioned before everything is closed on Sunday's, so I will probably do a lot of laying around and reading tomorrow. Which sounds good to me. I am going to skype with mom, Leslie and Erin soon and I hope Tyler gets back before they get here. I am planning on wearing my headphones since there are lots of other people in the coffee shop and I won't be able to tell how loud I am talking!! Not that I really care anyway! We are having dinner with Richard at his hotel tonight... I will either blog later tonight or tomorrow!

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